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Monday, September 14, 2009

Ralph's diary

Lord of the Flies
Chapter 1 - The Sound of the Shell
"A good start to a new bad life"
Perspective: Rlph

This island is a strange place. Just taking a stroll around it makes me feel alone and helpless. Vines in the forest are not pliant at all. The island is surrounded by pink coral cliffs. We have already journeyed to the top of the tallest mountain and we now know that there is another island next to ours. It doesn’t look like there is anything there so we aren’t goanna risk going over there. I can’t believe our plane crashed. I am not 100% sure what exactly happened to our plane but it was horrible. I mean all we were trying to do was flee Germany, and now we are stuck here. God help us.
One thing I have to do to remain sane on this island is to remember who I am. Well for a start I am Ralph. And I am interested in learning more about piggy. He is an interesting person, however I somewhat regret bringing up his nickname. I also welcome jack into our group with his minions that have the same togs.
I am surprised there are no adults here because there were some on the plane with us. If any survived I hope they find us.
Boy that conch thing worked out excellent, thanks to piggy. I am so glad I blew the conch, if I never had done that those little kids would have died. Now we stand in communion. If I hold the conch then all attention goes on me, this is a start to organizing a new life here on this island. It’s almost as if the conch is an item of glamour.
The choir boys are a little strange, they are so organized. I mean after we become stranded on an empty island they still feel like they need to obey him on everything he says. I don’t understand those boys in the choir; I hope they stick to fallowing jack after all he is their precentor. I think if I maintain a good relationship with jack and he remains the leader of that group then I should be okay. However I am surprised that he couldn’t kill that little piglet we found. It’s strange because he is the leader of the hunters and yet he can’t kill an animal that we all needed to survive.

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