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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

To Kill A Mockingbird Journal #3

Journal #3

Chapters 8-9

Perspective: Francis

AHHHH! My front tooth still hurts. I can’t believe Scout went over the edge and punched me in the face!!! What am I goanna do? If it falls out I get a visit from the tooth fairy, but mum and pop are not going to be happy with me when they pick me up at grandmas. Last time pop got mad at me he hit me really hard. It was just about a year ago and when he came to pick me up from grandmas he wasn’t happy because something happened between him and mum. When I last saw pop he entrusted me with the task of not getting in to trouble, or at least not getting caught. So far I haven’t stayed out of trouble but I never get caught. I am known on the school yard as the kid who can make you mad or mess with your head. Once I messed with a kid so much the school had to call his mum. When she arrived the kid could only mumble and was shaking. After that he was isolated from my group of friends and now everyone knows him as a weakling. When I saw Scout messing with Uncle Jack by cursing I knew I had to show her what it meant to really push someone’s buttons. It’s never a debate to me whether I should mess with someone or not, it’s just a natural impulse that sometimes surfaces inside of me. See, because I am acquainted with Scout as a family member I knew what troubles she had. I overheard grandma talking about Atti’ and how his defending a nigger and that Scout hates it when people make fun of her family. Grandma wasn’t happy that Atti’ was defending a nigger but she wasn’t pissed. I may have over exaggerated when I said he was disgracing the family.
What I did never should have gone over the line. And trust me it did, it was a race hoe zooming over the line. I started with just making some rude remarks about her father and she chased me into the kitchen. Once grandma found me I blamed it all on Scout. Makein’ popa proud. After grandma told scout off I thought she had cooled down. I didn’t want it to be over that quickly so I whispered… Nigger Lover. That pushed the final button, too bad that button made her punch me in the face. I think that punch in the face saved me from getting in trouble from everything I did. However I don’t think it was rite that Uncle Jack hit Scout. I was adjacent from her when it happened and she seemed really messed up by it. Uncle Jack jus left to apologize to her and hasn’t returned yet. In the end I can’t wait until next winter!


  1. I really like how you add a lot of detail and emotion into your entry. I also liked how you put some personal info in there about your character, it added a twist.

    Some things that I would recommend would be to separate the first paragraph so that it's smaller. To be honest I can't come up with anything else for now. Good job! =]

  2. Good job you put alot of info in your writing you really got into the persons perspective and you knew and understood what was going on.
    Something to do would be to write 3 paragraphs instead of 2 because the first one is big and the sencond is small.
